I have lost my twelve secret words. How do I get them back?
So long as you have access to your Nash account via your password, you can retrieve your twelve secret words and make a copy of them.
You can do this on our webapp. Please follow this link: https://app.nash.io/funds/portfolio
Navigate to My profile > Accounts within the Nash web platform and you will see the option Unlock and show twelve secret words. This will reveal your words and will allow you to make a backup copy.
Please make sure you store your words safely offline.
You can also retrieve your twelve secret words from the mobile app by following the steps below:
1. Tap on Settings
2. Tap on Security
3. Tap on Twelve secret words to display them
4. > An email will be sent to your email address.
> Open the email and copy the verification code
5. Enter confirmation code and tap on Submit
The next screen will reveal your twelve secret words